Municipal Sanitation Plan of Caieiras



Water Utilities









Municipal Sanitation Plan of Caieiras

The study consisted in the preparation of a Municipal Sanitation Plan for Caieiras, a municipality with a population of 111,000 inhabitants at the time of the study. The first stage of the study was the diagnosis of the water/sewage, drainage, and solid waste services in the municipality. Based on this diagnosis, scenarios were formulated and planning measures were proposed considering a 30-year project horizon. The proposed measures were subject to economic and financial analysis, with CAPEX and OPEX estimates for each of the systems. Public participation and involvement was encouraged throughout the preparation of the Plan, either through a specific web page on the municipal website, or through workshops and face-to-face meetings with the population. At the end, there was a proposal for a draft Municipal Sanitation Law, one of the first in the country. The work developed materialised in the following products: Product 1 - Social Mobilisation Plan - planning of mobilisation, communication and participation activities carried out in preparing the Plan; Product 2 - Diagnosis of the Basic Sanitation situation (water, sewage, drainage, and solid waste) and its impacts on the population's living conditions; Product 3 - Prognostics and alternatives for universalisation, conditioning factors, guidelines, goals and targets for the 4 services; Product 4 - Design of programmes, projects and measures necessary to achieve them; emergency and contingency measures, including estimated values and the economic and financial evaluation of these programmes; Product 5 - Mechanisms and procedures for social control, regulatory framework and instruments for systematic evaluation of the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of the measures; and Product 6 - Municipal Sanitation Plan - consolidation of all the preceding products.
The team prepared the entire plan, including the collection of data on the public cleaning service and the situation of the sanitation systems. It should be noted that the water treatment component included a proposal for a station very close to the municipality, since the current system implies transporting water for dozens of kilometres to the municipality. This solution was later adopted by SABESP. Another innovative aspect was a proposal for a system to control drainage in buildings, i.e. upstream of the outflow, in order to avoid the need to drain a large volume of water downstream.